Inspiring Inventors
Nicolas Wright
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Editorial: Worth Press
ISBN: 9781849311489
Páginas: 144
30 globally recognised inventors are covered in depth. Learn how, through their hard work and persistence they have inspired others to succeed agains the odds. Included in this book are: Louis Braille, Gottlieb Dailer, Mary Anderson, Lazlo Biro, and Stephanie Kwolek amongst others. Further mini-biogrpahies cover 64 more inventors ofnote.
Tipo obra: monografia
Idioma de publicación:
Público objetivo: General / "Trade"
Número edición: 1
Editorial: Worth Press
Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo
Fecha edición: 2019-09-01
País publicación: Reino Unido
ISBN: 9781849311489
Páginas: 144
Dimensiones: 191 mm x
Altura: 228
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