Let Them Fly : My Tryst with Kids
Raising a child is a tough job. The job has two major components, parenting and teaching. It is an onerous task and the two communities in the forefront of it are the parents and teachers. The efforts of the two groups run complementary to each other, as both are well-wishers of children and share a common objective.There is, therefore, need for a strong partnership between the two communities.They have to share each other’s stories and concerns about the child. Let Them Fly has 25 stories, each based on true-life experiences about raising a child and attending to its psychological and academic needs in the contemporary social and scholastic milieu.The book contains no abstract theories but actual case studies.This makes it a unique presentation.The stories are drawn from a diverse set of geographies and social strata.The experiences shared in this book are from sleepy rural centres, as also from boisterous metros.Yet, typical of a parent or teacher from any background, their concerns could be the same.The stories are written in simple and easy language.The book does not nit-pick either the teachers or parents, but brings out the sensitivity on issues about growing up. Each story ends with a conclusion, suggesting a more appropriate alternate course.
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