Missions of World War II
Nicolas Wright
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Editorial: Worth Press
ISBN: 9781849311496
Páginas: 192
c. 1939-c. 1945 (época de la Segunda Guerra Mundial)
There were many campaigns and missions conducted by both sides through World War II. Missions of World War II takes a look at those that were the most daring or had the greatest effect on the outcome of the war. These include:Blitzkreig, Dunkirk, Operation Sealion, Operation Chariot, Battle of Midway, Operation Fortitude, Battleof the Bulge and many others.
Tipo obra: monografia
Idioma de publicación:
Público objetivo: General / "Trade"
Número edición: 1
Editorial: Worth Press
Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo
Fecha edición: 2020-07-01
País publicación: Reino Unido
ISBN: 9781849311496
Páginas: 192
Dimensiones: 191 mm x
Altura: 228
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