The Fire Ant’s Sting: Desire Diaries
The road to perdition is paved with desires. An expat couple resort to illicit means to hoard wealth. A small- town author yearns for fame and laurels at the risk of alienating his family.A widowed woman is desperate to preserve her youthful looks and turn the clock back. An eager-to-please, do-gooder mother seeks respect and reciprocation of her efforts.The common thread weaving through these stories is a pulsating and addictive desire to attain what one craves for at any cost. In Fire Ant’s Sting: Desire Diaries, Kamalini Natesan explores, through twelve varied characters, the different facets of desire – a primal human emotion – and how its pursuit blinds one to reason. Alternately wry and full of pathos, daring and evocative, this is a delectable diary of desires that will leave you asking for more.
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