The Power of Vegetables
Gill Davies
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Editorial: Worth Press
ISBN: 9781849311212
Páginas: 192
All natural foods contain vitamins and minerals, but unlike other products, vegetables rarely come with a handy sticker that tells you their prime nutritional benefits. The Power of Vegetables looks at over 40 different vegetables and looks at their origin, their spread around the world and lists the main nutritional benefits of each. It also explains how much of each type of vegetable constitutes a portion.
Tipo obra: monografia
Idioma de publicación:
Público objetivo: General / "Trade"
Número edición: 1
Editorial: Worth Press
Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo
Fecha edición: 2016-10-01
País publicación: Reino Unido
ISBN: 9781849311212
Páginas: 192
Dimensiones: 138 mm x
Altura: 216
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