The Words That Shaped the World
Meredith MacArdle
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Editorial: Worth Press
ISBN: 9781849311885
Páginas: 280
Throughout history there have been certain seminal works that have steered the direction humanity has taken. Outside of religious texts, ask ten people what they think these are and you will get ten very different answers. Ask a thousand people and you will start to see a pattern emering. The Words That Shaped the World looks at those titles that advanced our knowledge of ourselves, our planet and our universe. It narrates the circumstances surrounding each book as well as explaining the impact that it had.
Tipo obra: monografia
Idioma de publicación:
Público objetivo: General / "Trade"
Número edición: 1
Editorial: Worth Press
Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo
Fecha edición: 2023-07-01
País publicación: Reino Unido
ISBN: 9781849311885
Páginas: 280
Dimensiones: 158 mm x
Altura: 240
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