Working with Others
Frances Kay
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Colección: Smart Skills
Editorial: Legend Business
ISBN: 9781789550054
Páginas: 144
Part of the Smart Skills Series
Working with Others offers all you need to know to work successfully with colleagues and business associates, whether you are an employee, manager, freelancer or business owner.
Many of the most successful business ideas and projects spring from collaboration between people, so making sure you work effectively with others can be the making or breaking of a business
Colección: Smart Skills
Tipo obra: monografia
Idioma de publicación:
Público objetivo: General / "Trade"
Número edición: 1
Editorial: Legend Business
Encuadernación: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo
Fecha edición: 2019-05-24
País publicación: Reino Unido
ISBN: 9781789550054
Páginas: 144
Dimensiones: 129 mm x
Altura: 198
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